So I just love this card–it is super simple and quick to make and it even has a way to cover your mistakes built in! 🙂 That is the best! I have always told my customers the secret to successful stamping is 2 things: Knowing how to fix your mistakes and sticking your butt out! Yup, that's right! Let me explain (unless you are sitting there nodding your head saying, um hmmm)!!
So fixing your mistakes–in this card I totally flubbed up the frame. You can watch a video on how to do this technique–it is truly one of my favorites!! But I did mess up this WICKED card….
So when I was doing my fame, my Project Life Pen went off course…
Can you see it?
Being that this was a Halloween card, the fix was easy–I just added some dash lines (or squiggles or x's would work) to cover my mistake. I find having a good way to cover flubs without it looking like you are covering flubs, is the real secret!
I usually employ the use of ribbon, little flower punches or even rhinestone, pearl or sequins to be quite effective. One thing I always tell people: No one is comparing your work to "the sample" nor do they have an idea of what it looked like in your head. Most won't notice the issue. I bet you didn't notice the issue on my card until I pointed it out! We are often our own worst critics!!
Now back to your booty! I have long said that the secred to successful stamping is sticking your butt out! You may laugh, but it is true! Before Photopolymer (and even before clear-mount stamps) we had mysterious "stamp of faith" wood blocks. Can't see through 'em and if your butt is out, that means your face must be down by where you are stamping. If that is the case, you can probably see what you are doing and where you are doing it better than if you are sitting up with impressive posture. So next time you are trying to stamp something perfect–or more likely you are trying to fix that partially stamped image by perfectly line-ing it back up–stick out your butt and see what happens!! You may just surprise yourself! :) ….you're welcome! After all, I've got a big butt and I cannot lie!
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Great Video and super cool technique! Thanks for sharing!