Hi everyone…I am in LaGuardia Airport waiting (a long time) for our flight home…we had a wonderful trip–weather was not that great (I know…boo hoo me)…but we had a couple of nicer days and a really great time!
We rented a scooter and scooted around the entire country (okay, Bermuda is a bunch of islands that stretches a vast 20 square miles…) but either way we put on quite a few miles…luckily the scooter got great mileage as gas was around $10 a gallon..NO JOKE..can you imagine that?
The colors in Bermuda were amazing–LOTS of COOL CARIBBEAN houses–and even churches–it was wonderful!! THe water was amazing! This is our little self portrait–Andy just held out the camera and took a picture… 🙂
This was in front of the Aquarium.–very cute (small, but great).
They had the Stampin Up Wheel on board and we could have the ship take professional pics–they were really expensive and let’s just say they were slightly less than flattering for me so on the last night, the back drops were gone, but we did pictures ourselves and they were much better…
By the way, crossing the atlantic is a bit on the rough side–about an hour after this was taken we were rocking so badly that I was getting sick–and I NEVER get sea-sick…ugh!!!
Look at the colors…they were amazing!!!! This is also by the aquarium—the picture does not do it justice–it was so beautiful!!! Notice I am wearing a pull-over–it was not that warm–and on the little scooter it was even colder!!!
Click on this picture and look in the mirror–it is Andy and I on our little scooter–it was very funny! 🙂 He had stopped to check the map and I snapped a picture! 🙂 Did I mention you had to drive on the left side of the road–that was interesting!! He did really well–I didn’t dare try! 🙂
Well, that is all for now–don’t forget about my fantastic special–good through NOON ON MONDAY–FREE TAX AND SHIPPING on your orders of $25 or more! Thanks so much for your support–and thank you so much for making this trip possible for Andy and I!!
p.s. I will share some of my Stamping Stuff when I am back home!!
Awesome pictures! (Is that rub-ons on your pullover?) Isn’t it nice – even if the weather isn’t perfect – to have some time away from the children and some time just for the two of you?